Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Land of Israel - Gates of Prophecy

In this selection from Part Two, Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi notes the special qualities of Eretz Yisrael, especially its receptivity to prophetic visions. One of his proofs is the Biblical account of Jacob in Beit El. Jacob awoke in the morning after experiencing an amazing prophetic dream of angels and a ladder leading to heaven. Jacob is in awe of the spiritual nature of the place .

14. Without doubt, the places worthy of being called “the gates of heaven” are located in the Land of Israel. Do you not see that Jacob ascribed the [prophetic] vision that he saw – not to the purity of his soul, his piety, or the strength of his faith – but to the location where he experienced it. Jacob remarked in wonder, “How awe-inspiring is this place!” (Gen. 28:17). And the previous verse states that Jacob “came upon the place,” i.e., the special place.
(Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi continues with the following parable of a farmer:)
Note how Abraham was uprooted from his native land after he became suitable to cleave with the Divine Order – he was the heart of this essence. Abraham was then brought to the place where his potential could be realized.

This may be compared to a farmer who comes across the trunk of a good fruit tree in a barren region. He relocates the tree to properly-tilled ground, where this species of tree grows naturally. There he nurtures the tree, transforming it from a wild root to a cultivated one, from one that bears fruit by chance to one that produces a plentiful yield.

In this way, the gift of prophecy became widespread among Abraham’s descendants in the Land of Israel. Many possessed this gift, as long as they lived in the Land and observed the instrumental prerequisites – purity, service, and offerings – especially when the Shekhinah dwelled there.

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